Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama hearts terrorists

"Republican John McCain's campaign spokesman, Tucker Bonds, agreed that the [satirical New Yorker] cover was tasteless and offensive...and completely in line with how we Republicans picture an Obama-fronted oval office.'"

Ahem. I may have inferred that last little part.

Besides, the real story today is Republican support of raping the earth to "ease market tensions" against oil prices.

Because yeah, that's TOTALLY going to work.

And while we're busy spending BILLIONS drilling the shit out of the earth's most beautiful and pristine environmental areas, we can continue to spend ZILLIONS of dollars to the middle east oil suppliers (whom I'm sure do NOT know any terrorists or funnel any money to terrorist groups), so we can continue driving our SUV's to the grocery store.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a hankerin' to go club baby seals.


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