"Race" for the Cure. Sort of.
The Komen gang finally added a chip timed 5K to thier crazy number of other 5k's.
Seriously folks, how many effin 5K's do you need in ONE event? I know it's a ridiculously well-attended event, but so is the Shamrock, and they keep their popular 8K event to three start heats. The Portland Marathon is no tiny event either, but they manage ONE start, runners up front, walkers in back.
And fer chrissakes, most every other major race has day-of-race registration AND chip timing. If they're charging an extra $10 per person, and they have to hire a company that specializes in chip timing anyway, there's no reason NOT to do chip timing with day-of-race registration.
So dear Komen race director, become useful for actual racers and chip time the co-ed race with a cost of $30 for pre-registration and $35 for day-of-race. Everyone else can register for the eleventy billion other events you have. The end.
PS. To all those elitists who say that chip timed events aren't "real" races, you can suck it.
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