Monday, August 04, 2008

My oven is pre-heating...

CutieThis pic on Threadless makes my womb ache. Seriously. Look how cute she is. Look at those perfectly kissable tiny feets. She gets to be dressed in cool, witty T-shirts.

Is it so wrong to want to have a baby just so she (ok ok, or he) can experience the joy of having such AWESOME parents?

Hell, it's why these two have babies.

Hmmm, and I'm pretty sure I'm still in the knockupable range right now ;-)

Just kidding. Sorta. (sigh)

Other than that ridiculously cute baby pic, this is the best thing I've seen on Threadless in months. It may not seem like much on the surface, but wait for the image to change. See? Totally kick-ass.


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