Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mr. Roderick plays and explains...

I notice my last few posts have been exclusively music related, and it'll continue that least for a bit. Too much happy music things goin' on.

We opted out of the Long Winters show by choice. We didn't get a whole lot of sleep the night before and the prospect of getting home at 1am was not as appealing as it had been. We didn't pre-purchase the tickets (we'd have to go if we spent monies), and besides I'd just seen them recently and the new album hasn't grown on me. This strange phenomenon occurs where I bond with the first half or maybe two-thirds of the album, then my interest peters out. Same on this one, I love the first five tracks, but can't recall from memory any other tracks.

I'm trying to change that with this release, which is hard right now because I don't own it yet. I'd planned on picking it up at the show. I've since rectified the situation ($12! free shipping!).

Live on KEXP - his sister calls! he plays the wrong end of the guitar! (7/21/06, 9:35am, or go here when you can't stream it anymore) | John on

John explains his lyrics for IndieInterviews...the longest explanation is for the lyric from "Hindsight", which John claims is "already perfectly self-explanatory". That's sooo broken, and one of his more endearing qualities. I kinda hoped that he'd explain the lyric (from the same track) "Are you still training for the big race by hoping all the runners will die?".

Nevermind, that one's pretty self-explanatory too.


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